Weight: 15 lbs 3 oz (31%)
Height: 26" (59%)
Head Circumference: 42 1/2 cm (50%)
Good news is her head is in better proportion to her body and she's growing in length. Bad news, the doctor assured me it's really not bad news, is that she's dropped in percentile in weight. I was assured she's perfectly healthy and not to worry but I can't help but fear she's not eating enough. I'll just tell myself she has a really high metabolism.
Same 3 as last time, she took them like a champ and seems to be feeling just fine. Her next appointment is in 4 months and the best part-no shots!
This month we started rice cereal and she's also had oatmeal. She's done very well with both so after getting the ok from her doctor, we tried carrots tonight. She did very well and ate them all up! Back when Rachel and Finley stayed with us, Rachel showed me how to make food for Harper, and by make food I mean cook it, puree it, and freeze it in ice cube trays. It made me feel really good knowing the carrots I was feeding her were organic with no added preservatives, sugar, or salt. And they actually taste (and look) waaaay better than jarred baby food.
Rolling over both ways like a pro. She actually prefers to be on her tummy now which is a bit of a surprise considering she wanted nothing to do with it for a long time. One downside to this new trick is that it has made diaper changes a bit more challenging.
She can manage to get the pacifier in her mouth when we hand it to her.
She's discovered how to turn herself around in her jumper and she actually plays with the different components rather than staring at herself in the mirror and river dancing. Lately, she's discovering how to entertain herself whether it's with toys or her hands and feet.
She continues to excel in swim lessons and it makes me so happy that she enjoys the water because I do too!
Just in the last few days she's been working on her m's. She watches me and presses her lips together and says mmmmm. Occasionally she manages to add the 'a' at the end and we get what sounds like 'ma'. Yesterday, James is my witness, she said 'ma-ma'. Of course James was in her face making her laugh when she did it so she may be slightly confused. Nonetheless, we are very proud of her!
One of her new favorite toys is Zeke. Whenever he enters the rooms, her eyes light up and she's glued to him. I tried sitting her down on the ground within reach and she had no fear and went right for his mouth. He didn't seem to mind and he just licked her hands while she squealed in delight. She also gets a kick out of grabbing his ears. It's great to seem them bonding. I will work on getting this on film, it's so cute!
Harper and her cousin Bella taking a ride on Zeke.