Saturday, June 12, 2010


Since the day Harper was born, I have wanted to buy her a tutu. A pink, girly, tutu. They're super cute, fun to photograph, and completely unpractical. She's just learning to roll over, what makes you think she can twirl yet?

Since the day Harper was born, James refused to buy Harper a tutu (he also won't let me paint her toe nails). They're too girly and completely unpractical.

We are going to have family photos taken this summer by Tim Davis and I've been talking nonstop about wanting to find a tutu for the photo shoot. My manipulation convincing has paid off and James bought her a tutu! A fluffy, soft, hot pink tutu! I'm even more impressed that he didn't cave in and say "just go buy her one" rather he went by himself and picked one out that he approved of. This makes me so happy. Not only is he no longer denying our daughter of living every girl's fantasy of being a baby ballerina, he wanted to give me her that dream himself. A lot of people told me just go buy her one despite him not approving but I don't like going behind my husband's back to get what I want. We can usually come to a compromise and we have learned to pick out battles. By the way, I was going to fight this battle. Next up...painting her toe nails...

Thank you honey for Harper's new tutu!

1 comment:

  1. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! I need to have a baby girl! That picture is DARLING. I love her. And the tutu. And James' sense of style.
