This week we started rice cereal. At first I gave her small, thinned out amounts. She seemed to like it, so each day I gradually gave her more and used less milk. She only gets cereal once a day, usually in the evenings and I will still nurse her before she goes to bed. It’s fun introducing new foods but at the same time, I wish she would stop growing so fast. Next month we will start the vegetables Rachel and I made when she stayed with us.
Harper is a gymnast. She can get her feet into her mouth, not at the same time though she tries hard! She loves sucking on her toes and when she’s had enough sucking, she just hugs her legs to her chest. This new trick has come in handy during diaper changes, I don’t have to hold her feet up anymore to wipe her tush!
She’s beginning to take out her pacifier and hold onto it. She’s made attempts to put it back in but she hasn’t quite mastered that yet.
Her favorite activities still include her jumper, her swing though I don’t lower the tray because then she can’t get her feet in her mouth and that makes her mad, her bumbo chair and tray-I put her teething rings on the tray and she goes to town, rolling around on the floor, watching baby Einstein videos-My First Signs, and Baby MacDonald.