Saturday, May 29, 2010
Kiss and make it better
Friday, May 28, 2010
4 months
Weight: 13 lbs. 10 oz/42%
Length: 24 3/4 in/60%
Head: 42 cm/75%
Shots: 3 :(
A few weeks ago, I had to take Harper in to see Dr. Hund because she developed a rash all over her arms, legs, and tummy. Turns out she has Eczema. He prescribed a hydrocortizone cream which we use twice a day. It seems to be helping but I notice if I skip a day, it starts to come back. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem to bother her much.
Other milestones:
Rolling over tummy to back
Soft coos are things of the past, she yells! She loves to hear her voice.
She is grabbing for her toys
She likes sitting up in her bumbo chair and jumper. I put them right in font of a big mirror and she goes to town. We've also noticed she doesn't 'jump' on both feet, she alternates feet hopping from one to the other. It's as if she's trying to river dance.
She thinks everything is funny and she has the cutest little laugh, it's my new favorite sound.
She still sleeps through the night and on occasion I catch her waking up and talking to herself for 10-15 minutes before falling back asleep. She’s a hoot.
She loves the tv, is that bad? It’s become a distraction while I’m feeding her so I have to turn it off which stinks because that’s when I would catch up on my recorded shows.
She knows her family. It’s fun to see our parents interact with her because she lights up.
Her leg strength is amazing. While on her changing pad, she lifts her legs up and throws them down. Hard. James calls it the Hulk Stomp.
She’s a drooler. I’m waiting for her to start teething any minute. While we were at the doctors office they gave us a teething pacifier for when she does start.
She’s started to grab for her feet though she can’t quite reach them. If she’s wearing pants, she’ll grab onto the pant legs and try to pull her feet to her mouth. Another reason why I think she’s rolling onto her side, it’s an attempt to get her feet.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Somebody loves me...
Friday, May 21, 2010
Babies, The Movie (May 16, 2010)
I'm really behind on posting so this weekend my goal is to get caught up. A lot has been going on and unless I document what we've been up to, I'll forget.
Once upon a time, last Sunday we took Harper to her first movie at the Warren. I had heard about the Babies documentary and several reviews suggesting that babies would enjoy seeing it because they like watching other babies including reflections of themselves in mirrors. I was a little hesitant taking her and we invited my mom and Judy along for the matinee. Harper is a very good baby and I expected her to do fairly well but I was prepared for her to be hungry, fussy, or sleep through the entire thing but she didn’t. She sat in my lap the majority of the time and actually watched. She was kicking, waving her hands and babbled some. At one point she did get a little squirmy and Judy took her down the stairs and stood with her but she continued to watch the big screen. She did fall asleep right at the end. Now that I know she does well at the movie theater, we may have to start taking her to more movies. I think it’s all in the timing.
As for my thoughts on the movie: I was disappointed. I was expecting some narration or subtitles even. The footage was beautiful and the babies were cute but it left something to be desired. I was also surprised at the family selected to represent America, not what I would have chosen. All in all, I feel very blessed to be raising a baby in America and to have such luxuries as diapers!
Harper in her Sunday clothes, matching bow of course.
Lazy Saturday with mommy. Her Adidas suite is one of my favorite outfits, I'm tempted to go buy another one when she grows out of this one.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Roly Poly
My baby is going up so fast, too fast! Today she rolled over for the first time from her tummy to her back. Generally, she doesn’t like being on her tummy but the past few days she’s been able to tolerate it. I was at work on Monday and had to run home over lunch which isn’t typical but I also had to drop off more milk for Harper at Judy’s. While I was playing with Harper, I wanted to show Judy how she enjoyed being on her tummy so I flipped her over and within seconds she rolled herself over. In shock, I flipped her over again to make sure she had really rolled over on her own without my help. Sure enough she did it a couple more times before getting tired and frustrated. She obviously wasn’t as excited as we were. Turns out I had my video camera with me but I didn’t think to get it out so I will try my best to catch her doing it again. She's rolled over once since and the other morning I caught her trying to roll over from her back to her tummy. It’s so cute. She kicks her legs in the air and throws them to one side. She doesn’t quite have enough momentum to get all the way over but I have a feeling she’ll figure it out soon...and then she’ll be walking, talking, dating, going to college, getting married, having kids. Woah. I’m not ready for her to grow up yet. Stay a baby forever!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
On this day
May 12, 2010
1 year ago today I found out I was pregnant. At the time, I had no idea how much my life would change. We were excited, scared, and a little unsure of what we got ourselves into. Is this really what we wanted? Is this the right time? We have been blessed with an angel and she has made our lives so much brighter. I am overflowing with a love for her I never thought possible. I feel fulfilled, enriched, blessed beyond belief, and thankful to be Harper's mommy. No one could have prepared me for this feeling of overwhelming love. Sure, some days are difficult and exhausting but it's nothing compared to the reward. God knew what he was doing and I am thankful for this precious gift.