I hate shots. They make my palms sweat and my stomach turn. I usually pass out which surprisingly never once happened while I was pregnant, maybe I'm getting over my fear. But I was so nervous going into Thursday's appointment. I've heard different stories of how babies react so I was prepared or at least I thought I was. Before receiving her shots, I gave her the doctor recommended dosage of infant Tylenol and fed her half a bottle of 'liquid gold'. She was so happy cooing and kicking for the doctor and nurse and once the physical routine was over, I knew what was coming next. Poor Harper didn't. They laid her on the table and I cupped her head in my hands and kissed her forehead. Once the first needle went in her face turned bright red, her mouth opened and nothing came out for a few seconds and then I heard the most blood curling scream! She got 3 shots total and as soon as the nurse finished, I picked her up and held her to my chest. She eventually calmed down and she finished her bottle. I thought we were in the clear...thought.
She fell asleep during the car ride back to the office and slept soundly till about 6 that evening...when she woke up screaming. I assumed the Tylenol had worn off so I gave her another dose. That evening we went out to eat and though she fussed a little bit by the time we got home she was sleepy. The following day, Friday-our mommy-daughter day, she did alright but she did have a few outbursts. Like in the middle of grocery shopping at Target. Things took a turn that evening. She suddenly became very unhappy and refused to nurse, take a bottle or pacifier which is unlike her. I took her into her room to rock her thinking maybe she was just worn out. That's when she threw up. James grabbed the thermometer and yep, she had a mild fever. We immediately gave her a dose of Tylenol and changed her clothing and wiped her down with a damp face cloth. She eventually stopped crying and nursed and went to bed. Last night she slept 8 hours. I nursed her this morning when she woke up and she went right back to bed. She's still sleeping...
Poor baby, I hope she has a better day today.
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